Friday, April 30, 2010

O Blogger, how you vex me sometimes...

Again I wanted to post my comments with the video below, and again you wouldn't let me, you otherwise wonderful tool. "Does anybody use Blogger anymore?" they ask. "I do!", I say proudly.

But I digress.

I sang I Want It That Way at karaoke tonight, and got to thinking. Karaoke knows no age limitations, ethnic boundaries, or skill level, and yet it is good for the soul.

More on this tomorrow.

See you later!


Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way

Thursday, April 29, 2010

About the Alanis post...

I meant to add some commentary, but something went wrong. So here goes...

I am pretty sure that I won't earn a spot on Alanis's Christmas card list by posting that video, but I must confess that Too Hot is damn catchy, and represents one of my best and busiest summers in 1991. It sickens me that she was attacked and robbed in the midst of her Canadian discopop success, but the upshot is that she was able to rediscover herself as a person. And a refreshed and edgy musical direction allowed Alanis to channel the pain into the mega-selling Jagged Little Pill, staying true to herself all the way. For this, I salute her .

Have a great night!


TCM Classic Film Festival | IMDb: All the Latest

TCM Classic Film Festival IMDb: All the Latest
This was one cool idea. I hope to make a trip down to Hollywood by the time the third edition rolls around.


Alanis Morissette - Too Hot

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spock beams in to Vulcan -- Alberta - Yahoo! Canada News

Spock beams in to Vulcan -- Alberta - Yahoo! Canada News

Leonard Nimoy is such a class act. It's nice to see that he has made peace with the Spock character, just as his castmate William Shatner has with Kirk.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

3 Reasons Why Tron Legacy's Gonna Be Cool!

I am eagerly anticipating the release of Tron Legacy on December 15. Here's why:

1) The original 1982 film was a mindblowing forerunner of what was possible with computer animation a full 14 years before Toy Story.

2) Disney didn't sequel it to death throughout the 80s to compete with Star Wars and Star Trek.

3) And while there will obviously be updated effects, Legacy director Joseph Kosinsky hasn't thrown out Tron's unique lighting style out with the bathwater. For this I salute him. All you youngsters complaining that the new Tron looks too much like old Tron, take note: You wouldn't have the new Tron without the old Tron!

Thanks for stopping by!


SuperFriends: The Movie?

I admit to having a guilty pleasure, and that is watching Super Friends, the 70s-80s Saturday morning cartoon which featured Superman, Batman & Robin, Wonder Woman, Aquaman et al working together to save the world from certain doom. And I was thinking, if the lovable Smurfs can come back in a planned live-action/CGI combo, why can't the Super Friends?

Budget considerations aside, it would be cool to see the origin story on how they all got together (and let's not forget, the Transformers franchise has squeezed out two movies (and a planned third) about a cube wreaking havoc on the Earth. And we know the Super Friends story runs deeper than that.

So here's hoping...


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Good Movie News Continued

Just when I thought that Roger Ebert had gotten comfortable in the world of print, blog and tweet, along comes some very welcome news, which involves him and wife Chaz in negotiations with Disney for a show called Roger Ebert Presents the Movies. Auditions have been taped in Los Angeles with potential critics, since Roger's means of communication now precludes the usual back-and-forth interchange. He plans to be a part of it by way of commentaries from film festivals and such, which is a wonderful thing. And not in a patronizing poor-him way either. It is fantastic that he found a way to be part of something he loved when the odds were against it. Hats off to the people who strip-mined decades of Roger's spoken words to make it possible.

And hey, let's give Michael Phillips and A.O. Scott our full support until the last At The Movies show airs August 14!

Yours in intelligent movie criticism,

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sad Movie News and Glad Movie News

After 24 years, Disney officially ends its At The Movies franchise when the last show with Michael Phillips and A.O. Scott airs on August 14. When the date was first announced, I thought, "Let us bow our heads at the death of intelligent movie critisism".

But there is hope, yea there is hope, my friends...more to come in a few hours. Thanks for reading!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

George and Matt: Two True Stars

When so much of what passes for Hollywood journalism these days focuses on who's partying with whom, in what club and in what state of (un)dress, acting, film, and let's face it, good 'ol glamor, fall by the wayside. I confess to sometimes wondering what it would be like to be Humphrey Bogart or Bruce Willis. But I most certainly do NOT aspire to be Zac Efron, Justin Bieber, or any of the Twilight sides of beef, talented as those gentlemen may be.

Which is why I admire stars like George Clooney and Matt Damon. Clooney did his full five years on ER as Dr. Doug Ross without complaint, because he knew who opened the door even as his star was rising. I love a guy who's willing to risk the wrath of mad genius David O. Russell by showing up late on the Arizona set of Three Kings because work on ER ran long in LA. I also love the fact that he seems able to will his extremely early work on Facts Of Life out of existence, and that he is willing to charge any paparazzo who dares to take unauthorized pictures of him and his guests at his Italian villa; the tweeny party animals just whine for tougher laws.

As to Clooney's film work, I must confess that I didn't get or appreciate the smartass persona on display from One Fine Day through O Brother, Where Art Thou?. But obviously that arc of his career was a foot in the door, allowing him to move on to much stretchier fare such as Syriana, his directorial debut in Good Night and Good Luck, and his Oscar-nominated acting turn in Up In the Air. Was his pissed-off look on the show real, or a bit? The official answer's a bit cooked up by Steve Martin, but methinks that George really dosen't give a damn about the Hollywood hoopla, and that's a beautiful thing, as is his singlehandedly-organized telethon for Haiti.

Matt Damon established cred early on by co-writing the Oscar-winning script for Good Will Hunting and turning a memorable, moving performance in the title role. He followed up with equally strong work in The Talented Mr. Ripley, Saving Private Ryan, and the Bourne trilogy. And he weathered both a "Gosh, he's so darn NICE!" spread in Entertainment Weekly early on and a rebuke from Variety editor Peter Bart a few years ago when Matt decided to concentrate on work and family rather than hoopla. Which would you rather have, Mr. Bart: Six fluffy People articles, or The Informant!? I'll take the latter, thank you very much.

True, Matt stumbled a bit with Green Zone. But he will survive. Clooney survived both a misguided Batman entry and Leatherheads!

Congrats guys, and keep up the outstanding work!

Thanks for stopping by!