Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas Girls!

Merry Christmas Mikaela and Penelope!

You both look so cute under that tree!

Uncle Mike and Auntie Shawna love you so very much!

Christmas is such an exciting and special time of year isn't it?

It really brings a smile to my face to think of all the fun that you guys must be having along with your mom and your dad.

And from the huge smiles on your faces I can tell that you will always be there for each other (if you really want to be cool you can say "I have your back" to each other).

And I also have a feeling that you will be carrying those smiles the whole year round as you live each day to the fullest with your many adventures, like this one on the Santa Train:

We love you Penelope and Mikaela! Merry Christmas!

Uncle Mike