Saturday, September 8, 2018

Saturday Classic Retro Fun: 2-XL

I think Mr. Databits and I are simpatico. I almost said we might have been fast friends till he said he was a teenager in 1978. Alas, I was only six that year.

But I can tell you that when I saw my first 2-XL around 1982, again at my buddy Derek's place, I was instantly captivated. A robot that answered questions and played games? Wow! Of course when my parents got me my own about a year later, I figured out that my new buddy was a glorified 8-track player, since we had one in the living room. But he did help me learn and did cheer me up, and for that I appreciated him, and loved my parents for spending hard-earned money to get him for me.

I see also that there were two General Information tapes, because he didn't sing that song on mine! Oh well, I got to hear him whistle the theme to The Andy Griffith Show.

And the 8-track player in the living room sure didn't have eyes that lit up when you turned out the lights and turned up Dad's ABBA Voulez Vous tape!

You know what? It's Saturday night...


Saturday Classic Retro Fun : Simon Then And Now

First played this at my friend Derek's house, though not in the dark. That would have been fun! Perhaps I should be playing it now, in middle age...

Thanks and Kudos to Lucky Penny Shop

And now, from Hasbro Gaming...2017's Hasbro Optix.

I don't know. I think my nieces may like the new spin. But I prefer the original for sure.

Thanks and Kudos to Hasbro Gaming


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood: Behind The Scenes

Not really a trailer per se, but a very fascinating look into the shooting of Quentin Tarantino's new movie Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, set in 1969 Tinseltown. Tarantino has miraculously transformed Hollywood Boulevard to that period without the apparent use of CGI, and the results look stunning.  As does the apparent chemistry between Leonardo DiCaprio, playing (fictional) veteran actor Rick Dalton, and Brad Pitt as Dalton's stunt double Cliff Booth, appears to be genuine, and not just Tarantino hyperbole about them being the next Newman and Redford.

What remains to be seen in late summer 2019 is how the very real Sharon Tate murder is mixed in and handled in relation to the fictional adventures of Dalton and Booth. But for now, it is fascinating to watch a movie being shot on Hollywood Boulevard with Panavision cameras. Do they have film in them? I have faith!