Friday, December 25, 2009

Hello and Merry Christmas!

Hello there. I'm Mikey the Movie Guy. I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year first of all. And Happy Belated Hanukkah as well (Adam Sandler's ode to the Jewish holiday is absolute genius!)

I'm a freelance movie critic who's done a little radio (thanks Ron, Jay and Diesel),and a little print (thanks Kevin, Murray, Trent, and Jackie). I've even shown up on local TV praising Batman and Robin's stunning set design. But of course they cut out the part where I said that was about all it had going for it.

I have to go off to a family party in an hour, so I'd like to close with some more kudos if I may. Thanks to Mom for laying out the entertainment section every day for a decade. Thanks to Dad for being the wonderful guy he is, letting me stay up past my bedtime on a Sunday at the age of eight so I could watch the original Superman on TV. What an experience.

Lastly, thanks to my sister Jacquie and brother-in-law Jason for introducing me to blogging when the radio and print gigs dried up. I love you both so much. And my wonderful wife Shawna, who - although not a movie gal herself - loves and supports me anyway. Thanks hon, love ya!

See you all later! Happy Holidays! We'll talk Avatar next time!


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