Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Clint: The Last Man's Man

It occured to me yesterday, as I was watching TCM's Clint Eastwood tribute, that Clint Eastwood is probably the last grand movie star we have. Okay, I'll add Robert Duvall, Jeff Bridges, and Bruce Willis to that list.

But I have a feeling that Clint is the only one with enough confidence in his stellar track record not to give a crap what some young studio accountant's notes are while he's making his films. I hope he lives to be a hundred, because there's really no one to pass the torch to. Zac Efron? Chace Crawford? Not the first guys I'd cast as Dirty Harry, if the accountants were ever stupid enough to suggest one. (Best stupid suggestion ever: Kevin Costner and Demi Moore in an 80's Casablanca remake!)

But I'll put my money where my mouth is and suggest a New Hollywood Dream Team:

Colin Hanks
Lost's Josh Holloway (who has been generating Marvel buzz)
Bradley Cooper
Castle's Nathan Fillion (Marvel buzz as well)
Jay Baruchel

And as coaches or Elder Statesmen:

Kevin Costner
George Clooney
Jeff Bridges
Clint Eastwood (only if he has time)
Mel Gibson (if he gets it together)

What do you think?


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