Friday, August 13, 2010

Random Movie Memories

1981: My sister and I begged my dad to take us to see The Great Muppet Caper at the Capilano Cinema. Dad was rototilling the garden, but said he would take us if it started raining. Well, God must have been as big a Muppet fan as we were, because He came through on cue.

1980: I remember being very excited because I was going to Mickey Mouse Disco at the Westmount Theater. That was my favorite Disney album of all time, although I strayed and eventually listened to Sesame Street Fever just as much. In any case, the prospect of a whole movie built around Mickey and Minnie getting down made my little heart leap with joy. But my joy lasted seven minutes, for I had been reading the newspaper upside down, and the main feature was actually Herbie Goes Bananas, featuring our favorite VW`s adventures in South America. So, it was not a bad deal after all.

1984: My dad and I went to see the Goldie Hawn comedy Protocol at the Garneau. It was a bone-chilling winter night...and the manager had Hawaiian music wafting through the speakers.

1984: My dad, myself and my sister went to see 2010 at the Westmount. Because I was a bit of a goof, when I had to sneeze, unfortunately the lady in front of me got a shower in her hair. I hope she is all right. As for the movie, it always amazes me that we thought we`d be on the moon by now. But I have to admit, the cell phone, Internet, and mp3 player are pretty cool inventions.

More of these stories later on this week.


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