Sunday, October 31, 2010

A DVD Box Set Question: Do I Feel Lucky?

As regular readers of this blog know, I have become a big Clint Eastwood fan in the last few years. So I looked upon the release of the Warner Brothers 35 Years, 35 Films mammoth box set with the zeal of a man craving a T-bone steak. Until I hit cyberspace and found that the 35 films are there, all right.

On 19 discs.

In an (admittedly handsome) rectangular box that I have held at a local HMV.

That's right, folks. 19 double-sided discs.

What that means is this: Not only do you have to wrestle a disc out of a holder, but if the film you're dying to see happens to be on side B, it takes some extra work to flip the disc over and put it on the DVD tray without getting dust, fingerprints, or scratches (or eventually an ungodly combination of all three) on it, thereby negating your $130+ investment. Especially if, like me, your manual dexterity isn't one hundred percent.

I would rather have a Dirty Harry-style briefcase with 12 single-sided discs in those goofy little envelopes everyone seems to be obsessed with these days, as long as they are tastefully decorated and organized as they currently are by theme. I'd even pay between $175 to $200 for the redesign.

Because under those guidelines, the mammoth tribute to a celebrated star and director could concievably enjoy pride of place in video collections worldwide. It would be cherished and treasured, even passed down to succeding generations of movie fans.

So come on Warner Brothers. Release a single-sided set. Do it for Clint. Do it for his most faithful fans, whose hands aren't what they used to be.

But in case you don't, I'll start working my fingers out with Nerf balls again.


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