Saturday, October 29, 2011

Could Spielberg and Lucas Be Just Like Us?

I find it stunning that Steven Spielberg would admit to his distaste for Indy 4's alien finale, only shooting it out of respect for George Lucas, his producer and best friend. Even though the two had heated pro-and-con arguments. But I have to give Spielberg credit for owning up to, and defending, his opening for that film, which involves Indiana Jones, nuclear perdition, and a flying refridgerator, which he now considers "silly".

I also wonder if his newfound candor would apply to some of his other films that didn't go so well.

Just imagine...

"Those damn comedians ruined my vision for 1941!"


"I knew Always was going down in flames as I shot it, but I was in a romantic mood so I thought, 'what the hell'. And Dreyfuss said that at least the shoot was going faster than the one for Close Encounters!"

Just a thought.


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