Sunday, November 27, 2011

Has it Really Been Ten Years?

I will remember forever a bunch of us being in my uncle Pierre's basement on Boxing Day 2000 watching this trailer over and over again on his computer. It was full of promise, and for once, it (and the entire trilogy) delivered. The gift that kept on giving, for three Christmases straight.

As a total aside, I just finished reading Tina Fey's book Bossypants, in which she refers to December 26 in Canada as "Boring Day". Absolutely no hard feelings Tina, since I loved the book in general, and found it a laugh-filled account of your life, career, and process. But I have a feeling that if you spent December 26 with my extended family, you would most definitely not find it boring. All the best to you and yours this holiday season!


Sour Grapes, Anyone?

Can't believe these UK-based journalists are bitching about getting The Muppets in February. These are the same people who have been enjoying Tintin since October 26, while North America only gets it December 21. Paramount is likely hesitant about its chances here, hence the early rollout.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Will Kiss Be Elder Statesmen?

You gotta admire this Seb Hunter's balls of brass. He hasn't ever written a screenplay or directed a film. Yet he wants to make a film inspired by the 1981 failed Kiss rock opera The Elder. The album so spectacularly failed that six months after releasing it, the band disowned it, saying that when they recorded their answer to Pink Floyd's The Wall, they were "delusional". I fear that Mr. Hunter suffers from the same affliction, for the following pair of reasons:

1) He is attempting to raise funds through the above website. Does he not realize that anyone who contributes financial aid, equipment, or acting talent is going to feel as though they have a stake in the film and "own" it? Will he take the time to make everyone sign thick legal agreements to cover himself?

2) Most importantly, no project even remotely involving Kiss gets done without the express permission of Kiss (or more specifically Kiss's business head and cofounder Gene Simmons). When Seb's lawyers are done with the cast-and-crew agreements, they will likely face the Grishamesque task of drafting one between Simmons and the production. And you can bet your ass that it will involve some kind of creative input, not to mention financial renumeration, final cut, and inclusion in a future season of Family Jewels.

I don't hold any of this against Gene Simmons, just to be clear. With the deaths of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, Simmons is now the last celebrity standing of whom it can be said, "It's Gene's world, and we just live in it". For all his well-earned public bravado, he appears, by a glance at the fan mail section of his website, to enjoy interaction with non-pushy fans not blatantly out to get something.

To get back on track, do I think that Seb Hunter's Elder movie is doomed from the start? No, because Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, another back-door project, has been wildly successful. Mind you, that project was concieved and helmed by Joss Whedon, a creative genius who understands the industry better than it understands itself. So if Seb can overcome the odds, I'll be interested in watching what he comes up with.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Stand By Me - Friends come in and out of your life.avi

Watch Richard Dreyfuss very closely in the final scene. Am I the only one who noticed that he forgets to save his life's work before he leaves the room?