Sunday, November 27, 2011

Has it Really Been Ten Years?

I will remember forever a bunch of us being in my uncle Pierre's basement on Boxing Day 2000 watching this trailer over and over again on his computer. It was full of promise, and for once, it (and the entire trilogy) delivered. The gift that kept on giving, for three Christmases straight.

As a total aside, I just finished reading Tina Fey's book Bossypants, in which she refers to December 26 in Canada as "Boring Day". Absolutely no hard feelings Tina, since I loved the book in general, and found it a laugh-filled account of your life, career, and process. But I have a feeling that if you spent December 26 with my extended family, you would most definitely not find it boring. All the best to you and yours this holiday season!


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