Thursday, July 3, 2014

Woodstock Was 3 Days of Peace, Love and Music

Miraculously, no major injuries or deaths occured during the 3-day festival on Max Yasgur's farm in Bethel, NY. But I often wonder if that would have been the case had the Internet and social apps existed back in 1969. (Wait a minute. I remember now. According to Al Gore, the man who takes credit for singlehandedly inventing the Internet before becoming Vice President of the United States, it did. During the daily hour that he and roomie Tommy Lee Jones watched Star Trek, mind you). However, I suppose we can see what would have happened, because it already has... the 30th anniversary in Rome, NY. Unbelieveably stupid. No peace and love whatsoever.

Guess which concert will STILL be remembered 40 years from now?

I don't know about you, but I prefer the tunes and atmosphere from 1969:

And my favorite Jefferson Airplane tune:

Let's stick it to the 1999 punks one more time, shall we?

Have a groovy night!


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