Friday, February 6, 2015

Incredible Interstellar

An absolute testament to the power of the human spirit to dream, and to achieve. Shame on the Academy for not acknowledging Interstellar with a Best Picture nomination. But then again, in 1968, 2001: A Space Odyssey wasn't exactly understood in all quarters either. Matthew McConaughey leaves behind the "all right, all right, all right, all right" persona to deliver a captivating and at times heartwrenching performance as an engineer who must use his engineering skills in space to save mankind, even as he leaves his family behind.

A strong dose of quietly heroic, stoic piece of filmmaking from the Nolan brothers, Christopher and Jonathan, they of Inception and the Dark Knight trilogy. Did they write it? Or did they improv it? If they are brainiacally talented enough to do the latter, all the more power to them. I don't really care. What I do care about is the fact that ordinary humans are doing extraordinary things. Without benefit of capes.

Of course the ideal place to have seen Interstellar is in a theater. But economy and home technology being what they are, you can have just as fascinating and captivating a time at home when Warner Brothers releases the Blu-Ray and DVD on March 31.


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