Sunday, May 3, 2015

Love And Mercy Trailer

Finally after more than thirty years, Brian Wilson, the musical genius who gave all and then some so the Beach Boys could have rapid and continued success, finally gets his own biopic, entitled Love and Mercy. As Younger Brian and Older Brian are essentially two very different sides of the same coin, it is only fitting that each one is played by a separate and distinct actor, respectively Paul Dano and John Cusack. Based upon this trailer, stellar work appears to be turned in by Paul Giamatti as the controlling Dr. Eugene Landy, and by Elizabeth Banks as Melinda, Wilson's current wife, who not only understands and appreciates his genius qualities, but also helps him find his human, life-embracing side as well. I cannot wait until this opens in June.

And this is just my humble Mikey The Movie Guy prediction, but I believe that Love And Mercy has just the right amount of underdog Americana that has won Best Picture in the past.

So I'm saying that Love And Mercy will win Best Picture next year.


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