Sunday, January 9, 2011

Elvis Movie Musings: What Might Have Been

I have a feeling that The King would have made a outstanding actor, given that two people he admired, Dean Martin and Robert Mitchum, wouldn't have put up with the post-Blue Hawaii shit the Colonel saddled Elvis with. Can you imagine him as Mitchum's brother in Thunder Road? Or how about the Kris Kristofferson part in the 1976 Streisand version of A Star is Born?

Both almost happened.

But Mitchum couldn't believe that Elvis had to actually ask the Colonel permission, and the ol' lizard got into a tizzy because Barbra would get billing over Elvis, thereby robbing his client of his one chance to save his career...and maybe his life.

Check out King Creole if you doubt me.

I'm just saying.

On a happier note, happy belated 76th birthday Elvis!


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