Thursday, October 26, 2017

Bill Matheson: A Class Act

There are many many people in broadcasting who view small-to-midsize markets like Edmonton as way stations, places to pass through on the way to Toronto or elsewhere in North America. Not so Bill Matheson, who almost instantly became a part of our community from his arrival in 1976 to his departure 20 years later. He is no longer with us, but will remain in our memories and our hearts forever.

And lest we forget, Bill was also a radio star on 930 CJCA along with Bill Jackson on "The Bill and Bill Show" from 1976 to 1992 (thank you Mark Summers):

And I have to admit that Bill was a class act when I met him at CHED in the early 90s. He happened to open the door for me as I left. "What's the weather gonna be like?", I asked.

"Should be sunny, not too bad", said Bill.

"I'm gonna hold you to it!", said I.

Thank God he smiled.


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