Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Brilliance Of Yesterday

Now I may be overselling this just a little bit based on a couple of viewings of this trailer for Yesterday.

But I think the literal concept of "the soundtrack of our lives" is brilliant.

Because let's face it, the song  Yesterday itself, written by Beatle Paul McCartney upon waking one fateful morning, (oops, that's Sir Paul McCartney to me, that's right), has been recorded over 500 times by seemingly every musician on the planet.

So it is conceivable that, for fantasy's sake, the spiritual essence generated by the song could drop into the heart and mind of a hapless and ordinary bloke, who wakes up one morning to find that the Beatles never existed, except for him.

Because I am sure that lots and lots of unordinary change, bills, and maybe even a bit of bitcoin was dropped into the bank accounts of  Sir Paul and Cool Ringo.

And the estates of John Lennon and George Harrison, to be sure.

I'm sure Paul and Ringo are secretly thrilled that people still care about their music after 50-plus years.

And also that, at least in this trailer, no one appears to be singing Drive My Car while dancing energetically on a spit of land somewhere in the British Isles.
I know I'm grateful for that.

And I am also grateful for any way to get these songs out to a world that appears to need them.

Yesterday, directed by Slumdog Millionaire's Danny Boyle and written  by Love Actually's Richard Curtis, is released June 28.

Can't wait!

Now, as a public service to pop culture, for those who may not be familiar, I offer the three original songs referenced in the trailer, starting with McCartney's title song for the film:

Something, written by George Harrison:

And finally, Hey Jude, written by McCartney for Lennon's son Julian:

Peace and love!


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