Wednesday, December 11, 2019

1984 Did Rock, Part Two: Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer

As I have already mentioned, I was 13 in 1984.

And from what I remember, at least from a pop cultural standpoint... did seem pretty good.

The Four M's.

Malls (hello Bonnie Doon and West Edmonton Mall!)




But oh, what a Pandora's Box we did open with that last one.

Blank cassette tape tax.


A hundred what per mid-level concert ticket?

Should I quibble that the featured New Order track came out in 1986?

Nah...I'll give 'em a pass.

Because that song's been out for so long, it now seems to speak for the whole decade.

Which was probably director Patty Jenkins's thinking in the first place.

And as distinctive as Gal Gadot made the character in the 2017 film...

...she definitely added a retro Lynda Carter vibe this time...

And why not, as Ms. Carter may have a cameo!

Who's Lynda Carter, you ask?

I don't judge, here you go...

And just for fun, the TV show intro from 1978...

Should all be a blast next June!


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