Wednesday, December 11, 2019

1984 Did Rock, Part One: Ghostbusters 3 Trailer

Wow...I am 13 again

This looks awesome.

A quick check and some quick math tells me that writer-director Jason Reitman was 7 when his dad Ivan was directing the original Ghostbusters, released in the summer of 1984.

And he's said that he was on set a lot at that time.

Which means that it's likely just as much  a part of his cultural DNA as it is ours.

Which means he won't screw it up,


Hey no pressure.

But everybody's back that can be.

Even Bill Murray.

And he even looks like he wanted to be there!

I'm even gonna predict (just a gut feeling mind you...)

...that Mr. Rick Moranis will show up in a cameo, or as a faraway extra.

Even though he's moved on from the film life, as it were.

Good for him, because few can or do, even if they want to.

Gotta say as well, that the Calgary and area wheatfields did bode well for another big film.

Way back in 1978.

And man, was it super!

Calgary wasn't and isn't a small ville normally.

But it sure worked in that case!

This should be cool!

Now let's remember the original greatness...


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