Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas Once Again!!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
From My Archives - Lucky You
I wrote this in 2007 for a media outlet that decided to run a poker aficionado's take instead. And hey, sometimes you need verisimilitude to flesh things out. That's all part of the writing game. It's all good. But I thought you might enjoy my take.
Or, World Poker Tour: The Movie. Curtis Hanson openly shares his poker obsession in Lucky You. On the surface, the cutthroat, seedy world of Vegas gambling would be prime subject matter for the director of L.A. Confidential. But by making sure we see every deal of every card in every game – while poker neophytes scratch their heads wondering what the hell’s going on – Hanson and script cowriter Eric Roth waste an opportunity to get inside the lives of the players.
It’s a shame, because the talents of a fine cast are wasted breathing life into bland stereotypes. Confident cardsharp Huck Cheever (Eric Bana), in town for the World Poker Championships, he meets up with Billie Offer (Drew Barrymore), younger sister of onetime flame Suzanne (Debra Messing). She’s an aspiring Bakersfield singer big on heart but little on talent despite a job at “the last neighborhood bar in Vegas”, and a total newbie to the Vegas poker scene. She isn’t even aware that you’re not supposed to talk about your cards. But no matter how good Huck is, there’s always someone better, and it’s celebrated champion L.C. (Robert Duvall), who happens to be his father.
What’s absolutely tragic, given that intriguing setup, is that the actors are given the barest of backstory. Sure, Huck’s pissed that Daddy took off when he was seven, taking Mom’s ring to pawn it, but what really drives their relationship? We never find out, because Bana’s Huck is all Paul Newman swagger, by way of Matthew McConaughey, at its best early on when he succeeds in convincing a pawnshop owner to buy his digital camera at a higher price with a verbal shell game involving the three she already has. Alas, it is Bana’s only opportunity to really stretch. Uber thesp Duvall certainly deserves better than the Gumpish “play cards like you live life, live life like you play cards” tripe he’s saddled with. Charles Martin Smith’s diminutive crime boss comes off as comical rather than menacing because we don’t know that much about him even though he has Huck and an associate thrown into an empty pool by thugs for losing his stake. But if you yearn to see Barrymore finally lose that romcom perkiness, then you might feel lucky watching her almost sugarless lost-soul-finding-her-way Billie. But be warned that this schizoid oddity was held back from release twice before being unceremoniously dumped in Spidey’s path. It’ll be better viewed as a companion to the small-screen WPT.
Love And Distrust
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Cuckoo Not Funny
Monday, November 29, 2010
When It's OK to Start Over
RIP Leslie Nielsen
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Stallone Vs. Austin
But one aspect deserves some analysis. While watching the climactic fight between Sly and Steve Austin, it looked like Stone Cold might be forgetting the art of taking it to the safe edge and cutting, a standard action-movie practice. And a look at the Making Of featurette proved me right. With Stallone nursing a torn knee ligament, there's Steve bragging to the documentary crew that "that's no big deal in the wrestling ring...this movie stuff is b.s.". All this as we see Sly go to a Louisiana knee specialist who practically begs him to shut down the film and get it fixed. Cast commitments being what they are, he can't. So a cortisone injection has to suffice. I have new respect for Stallone as my contempt for Austin grows.
I can only hope that Austin's only comfort down the line isn't stone cold icepacks as his macho redneck swagger renders him a physically broken man like Mick Foley.
Clint No-Brainer
And I've decided that if I can find 35...35 fire-sale cheap on Boxing Day, I might consider it...along with some Nerfs.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Oscar Watch: The Kings Speech gets an R-rating for language -
OK, I know I said no more links, but this really caught my eye...using its for it's. Do we not care for spelling and grammar anymore? Charlie Brown had it right the first time he said "Good grief!"
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A DVD Box Set Question: Do I Feel Lucky?
On 19 discs.
In an (admittedly handsome) rectangular box that I have held at a local HMV.
That's right, folks. 19 double-sided discs.
What that means is this: Not only do you have to wrestle a disc out of a holder, but if the film you're dying to see happens to be on side B, it takes some extra work to flip the disc over and put it on the DVD tray without getting dust, fingerprints, or scratches (or eventually an ungodly combination of all three) on it, thereby negating your $130+ investment. Especially if, like me, your manual dexterity isn't one hundred percent.
I would rather have a Dirty Harry-style briefcase with 12 single-sided discs in those goofy little envelopes everyone seems to be obsessed with these days, as long as they are tastefully decorated and organized as they currently are by theme. I'd even pay between $175 to $200 for the redesign.
Because under those guidelines, the mammoth tribute to a celebrated star and director could concievably enjoy pride of place in video collections worldwide. It would be cherished and treasured, even passed down to succeding generations of movie fans.
So come on Warner Brothers. Release a single-sided set. Do it for Clint. Do it for his most faithful fans, whose hands aren't what they used to be.
But in case you don't, I'll start working my fingers out with Nerf balls again.
Hello My Friends
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wow! 100 Posts! Can It Be?
Thanks to everyone who has stopped by. I am truly grateful, and to show my appreciation, I will do my best to provide you with wholly original content with no links that only require me to toss off a phrase or a line or two. It doesn't challenge me, and I'm pretty sure that it's boring for you to read. Those who know me well know that I was a pretty busy freelance writer back in the day, and it's time to flex those muscles again.
Because if you don't, whatever your walk of life, the consequences can be pretty dire.
So I will.
Every day.
Starting now.
In fact, after I spend about a week updating you on movies and pop culture happenings, I will be adding to a blog I've barely started entitled Scenes From Mike's Life, in which I talk more about my life experiences. I'll post a link when it's up and running.
But for now, I want to announce that, as of this past Sunday, I have finally entered the digital age. I made baby steps earlier this summer when I bought a Palm Pilot at a garage sale for ten bucks. I was ecstatic because:
1) I finally had something to put on the table at restaurants amongst all the other cellphones, iPhones, and BlackBerrys. The Palm was retro, useful and cool.
2) I was able to use the Palm's scheduling software to begin to organize my life.
Cut to this past Sunday. My sister, dad, and aunt Louise came over to help me build and organize shelves. Or rather, they built and organized while I watched, due to space and physical limitations.
Earlier that morning, my sister had Facebooked something to the effect of "bye bye BlackBerry, hello iPhone 4!" I commented half-jokingly that I'd be willing to take over the BlackBerry. She didn't respond, but when she called on the way over, she said she "had a treat".
I thought, "I'm inheriting the BlackBerry!"
But my mind was absoloutely blown when after about an hour of building shelves, she reached into her purse and brought out a new iPod Touch.
Holy Christmas in October Batman!
Then Aunt Louise, who is one of the most courageous and understanding people I've ever known, reached into her purse and brought out an iPod nano, which she said she'd been keeping for me because she'd won an extra.
Double Christmas in October!
Quick story involving Aunt Louise: In 1983, at my 12th birthday party, we were in the cake-and presents portion of the evening. Aunt Louise passed me her gift, and I excitedly opened it to find a sweater. I smiled.
I then opened the gift from my Aunt Betty and Uncle Marcel, which was a Cooper basketball with hoop.
I went absolutely bonkers, loving the new-rubber smell of the ball and the bright orange hoop. I thanked Aunt Betty and Uncle Marcel profusely, and ran out (oops, wheeled) to play after Dad had set everything up.
It was only right before I went to bed that night that Mom reminded me that I had forgotten to thank Aunt Louise for the sweater.
I felt like crap. Aunt Louise graciously accepted my thanks at the next gathering, but I know it hurt at the time. I now realize two things about sweaters:
1) You can never have too many sweaters
2) When you recieve sweaters as a gift at a young age, it instills a hopefully lifelong sense of bills-first, fun-later practicality that I've tried never to forget.
So thank you Aunt Louise, for the sweater and the nano.
Thank you Jacquie, for all the help, the shelves, and the treat.
Thank you Dad, for being Shelf Project Foreman, for the Oilers jersey, and for keeping on keeping on.
And thank you Mom, for still occaisionally providing the gentle reminders as I stumble toward middle age.
I love you all!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Paula Abdul's Live to Dance Will Premiere in January on CBS :
Hopefully since dance is the one area that Paula knows really well, she won't be a sugary-sweet cream puff like on Idol (though I did cheer when she berated the girl on the Lloyd Webber show for starting "You Must Love Me" over. Who was she? I don't remember, but that's OK, since we probably won't see her again. And don't get me started on the cake walk that was the Fame remake...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Clint Eastwood in "The Witches" (aka: "Le Streghe") ...
More rare Clint from this 1966 Italian art-house film that had a brief US release in 1969.
YouTube - Clint Eastwood Meets Mister Ed - 1 of 2 (Captioned)
Unbelievable but true! Not sure how Mr. Eastwood feels about this today, but it's kinda fun!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
'Jackass 3D' sacrifices life and limb for $50 million; 'Red' lures in...
Just lost my faith in the moviegoing public where Jackass is concerned, but good for Red and its $22 mil. I may regain my faith tomorrow.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Review: CBS Hawaii Five-0 -
I have no idea how old Mr. Sepinwall is, but even a cursory glance at the original episodes bears out O'Loughlin's likely interpretation of McGarrett. But rather than stiff, I prefer to think of the original MaGarrett as dogged and cocksure of his job. If they ensure that some of the doggedness is mixed in with the action-movie motif unfortunately now in vogue, they will be fine. If not it will be five and aloha!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Oliver Stone Making Travis McGee?
OK, so I was a little disappointed that Leo won't be making the Sinatra film right away. But at least it might give Martin Scorsese a chance to see past his surrogate son and maybe cast either Hugh Jackman or Sinatra stylist Steve Lippia.
And in Travis McGee, DiCaprio has finally found his way off Mount Method, and the one-for-the-studio- and-one-for me style which is now the law of the jungle in Hollywood. As long as they don't sissy up McGee. or wife-and-kids him to death, I'll be happy.
Surprise, David Letterman! Joaquin Phoenix Meltdown Was a Crock
I knew it! The only thing that surpriesed me was that it didn't take 10 to 20 years to come out, like the Andy Kaufman-Jerry Lawlor 1982 feud.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Movie Talk: Sly Solo? Stallone Admits He Was Considered for "Star Wars"
Continuing this morning's theme...
Movie Talk: No Tights, No Tuxedo: Eastwood Reveals He Passed on Iconic Roles
As I write this, I am watching the documentary The Eastwood Factor, and am amazed at how humbly and gently he treats his costume designer on a tour of his costumes when she refers to his film Unforgettable. What a class act.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Universal to produce three films and TV series based on Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' |
OK, one more King thing. Hope Castle Rock's involved somehow. This has them written all over it.
How 'Armageddon' anticipated the BP crisis | The Pop of King |
Why didn't I think of this? But I bet the Obama government feel like chumps too...their big idea was James Cameron!
Friday, September 3, 2010
We'll Have A Gay Old Time!!!
But you don't believe me, do you?
Such is the nature of today's society that the words gay, nuts, and cock (defined as a male rooster, hence the cock-a-doodle-doo, I guess) bring nothing but snickers and grins these days.
This point was brought home to me earlier this summer when I was at the Royal Alberta Museum for their weekly Monday classic film. Incidentally, the Museum is the other place in Edmonton where you can see a classic film on a big screen for five bucks, thanks to the Edmonton Film Society. I'll post a schedule tonight.
As is their custom, at a screening of the 1953 Esther Williams starrer Easy to Love, the Society showed a trailer for the next week's film, the 1949 Frank Sinatra-Gene Kelly classic On The Town. Emblazoned in text near the end is the following:
More Gay Than Anchors Aweigh!
Snickers and grins oh my!
The EFS has been bringing classic films to Edmontonians of all generations for over 60 years.
A gift for all movie buffs from the fine folks at Cineplex. Just the other day, I was remarking to a friend that there was almost no way to see films on a big screen and discuss them afterward, as a young collegiate named Roger Ebert was wont to do in '60's Illinois.
Now we have the chance to see Casablanca, Psycho, The Maltese Falcon, and so many more. Twice a month, at Edmonton's North Edmonton Cinemas, for a full year.
And for only 5 dollars. You can't beat that!
See you there!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Review: Leonardo Di Caprios Inception bends brains, breaks hearts -
The first part of a three-part series on Inception that makes sense of it better than I ever could. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Worthington Update
1) The Fields, playing a cop
2) The Debt, a period piece set in 1965
3) Last Night, a marital drama set for release November 5
G'day and good luck, mate!
FX Reels For Sale!!! Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!!!
I'm sure that the thirtysomething bean counters and executives who grew up on the 1981 film thought that this reboot would mint truckloads of cash automatically. And the truth is, it didn't do too bad grossing $163 million against a budget of $125 million. But that's hardly a blockbuster.
And the reason was that, unlike its 1981 predeesscor, this new Clash did not embrace the adventuresome campiness of a clash between Zeus, Perseus, and Hades, playing it absolutely straight, and boring. Playing Zeus and Hades respectively, Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes, veterans of Star Wars and Harry Potter greenscreens, look check-cashing bored. And as for Sam Worthington, I don't begrudge the man his success, but he needs to do a period piece or cop drama fast, to flex his acting muscles and prove that he dosen't need to be carried by special effects.
Which reminds me, Ray Harryhausen's 1981 effects were a retro-cool homage to his 60s work like Jason And the Argonauts and the Sinbad films. In that spirit, it would have been nice for director Louis Leterrier and his team to age the effects back a couple of generations, to the early Star Wars/Dragonslayer era. But I know that's wishful thinking, because in 2010, we're all 3-D's bitch. Never mind that it was added later and reportedly looked like a pop-up book.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Random Movie Memories
1980: I remember being very excited because I was going to Mickey Mouse Disco at the Westmount Theater. That was my favorite Disney album of all time, although I strayed and eventually listened to Sesame Street Fever just as much. In any case, the prospect of a whole movie built around Mickey and Minnie getting down made my little heart leap with joy. But my joy lasted seven minutes, for I had been reading the newspaper upside down, and the main feature was actually Herbie Goes Bananas, featuring our favorite VW`s adventures in South America. So, it was not a bad deal after all.
1984: My dad and I went to see the Goldie Hawn comedy Protocol at the Garneau. It was a bone-chilling winter night...and the manager had Hawaiian music wafting through the speakers.
1984: My dad, myself and my sister went to see 2010 at the Westmount. Because I was a bit of a goof, when I had to sneeze, unfortunately the lady in front of me got a shower in her hair. I hope she is all right. As for the movie, it always amazes me that we thought we`d be on the moon by now. But I have to admit, the cell phone, Internet, and mp3 player are pretty cool inventions.
More of these stories later on this week.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
11 Technologies in Danger of Going Extinct - Yahoo! Canada News
I think the DVD's gonna be around for a bit yet. At least I hope so, because I can't afford to upgrade!
Monday, August 9, 2010
TCA: HBO Unveils New Material from Scorsese, Lee, Mann, Haynes and Milch - Thompson on Hollywood
HBO is definitely the hip, happening, Hollywood studio right now. They just happen to release their product to high-class television.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Mary Hart: Entertainment Tonight's Queen Stepping Down - E! Online
First Oprah and Larry, now Mary. And the sad thing is, there's no one really coming up to replace them in terms of longevity.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kids Are More Than All Right
There was the very under-the-wire goblet drinking scene in Ben-Hur in the 50s. There was the shots of naughty feet in Personal Best in the 70s.
And there was the portrayal of Tobias Wolf in This Boy's Life in the 90s.
And now in 2010, director Lisa Cholodenko has managed to almost push the issue to the background in The Kids Are All Right, in which Annette Bening and Julianne Moore play a long term couple with kids fathered with Mark Ruffalo's sperm. No weepy flamenco guitars and arty shots with candles for these two. They snuggle and call each other babe, pony, and chicken, and brush their teeth together before bed. Could be anybody, right?
They support their son's desire to contact the donor. Again, we've seen this before.
They like to watch porn with sweaty men to get in the mood. In the Internet age, also no biggie.
And they have been together so long that things are starting to go stale, and it`s on this convention that the plot turns, as Moore`s free-spirited landscaper begins an affair with Ruffalo`s equally free-spirited drifter. Staleness can happen to us all, people. Bening does some of the best work of her career as her character slowly finds out.
Am I gay? No, and I don`t plan to be. But the truth is, you meet all kinds of people in this life, and I can`t imagine missing out on a great conversation with someone based on their orientation. They know I`m not, I know they are. With that out of the way, let mutual respect reign!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Here is a review I did about a month ago for The Last Station for Edmonton video store The Videodrome, and I can do the same for anyone, anytime, anywhere. Contact me at
Nathan Fillion explains the secret of creating an epic hero
Very cool guy, and wise too. More on him tomorrow.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Exclusive: Todd Levin on How Conan O'Brien Got Screwed: Celebrities: GQ
Always knew Conan got bum-rushed. Where's the loyalty?
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Bill Murray on Ghostbusters 3, Get Low, Ron Howard, and Kung Fu Hustle: Celebrities: GQ
I always wanted to know what it would be like to interview Bill Murray, and now I know.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Life In a Day Great Idea
And it's about time somebody did this.
Other than the inaugural Survivor ten years ago, I've had enough with the reality thing, with people either sitting in houses sniffing roses and proposing, or building them in record time through leaky eyes (yes, Ty and his crew do help people, but at the end of the day, it's all about appliances, ratings and moola, truth be told).
And with seemingly random bits edited together into a cohesive whole, there's less chance that things will be emotionally stage-managed like on TV. At least not in the service of small nitpicky Jake and Vienna bullshit.
I can't say right now that I'll do someting awesome enough tomorrow to be included in Life. But I eagerly await its arrival.
And I will make a prediction: Life In A Day will earn a berth in the 2011 Oscar race, to be broadcast in 2012, Mayans be Best Picture.
Life is just too much fun! Have a great day!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Lindsay Will Make It
Why Are Whoopi and De Niro Defending Mel Gibson? - E! Online
Although domestic violence should NOT be condoned in any situation, you have to wonder about the motives of a woman who was pushing her man's buttons, then sitting back and taping it for posterity. Gibson obviously needs help, and it's a good sign that he's in therapy. I'd feel better about her motives if she sounded the least bit scared, and if the tapes didn't sound like they were recorded with a high-tech spy gadget she brought from home. A sad situation no matter what.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Exclusive: Edward Nortons agent responds to Marvel Chiefs statement -
If Marvel wants to be a major studio and play in the big leagues, Mr. Feige needs to stop pulling unprofessional crap like this. Whether he likes it or not, Feige is the highly-paid and visionary dealmaker, an important part of the process to be sure. But at the end of the day, it's Edward Norton getting asses in seats, not Kevin Feige. So to even imply that Norton is/would be any less professional than the other Avenger cast members is the height of lunacy. When Norton does speak, I really hope it isn't to sue Kevin Feige. I also hope that Stan Lee doesn't beat Feige silly for being so unprofessional.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Blogomatic3000 » Blog Archive » An Open Letter to Hollywood
The one spelling gaffe aside, I totally agree! I would only add that, regardless of movie quality, the industry is rapidly pricing itself out of existence.
And 3D? Unless it's Avatar quality, I don't really wanna see it.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My Hard Head: A Knight Rider Moment
And banged my head on KITT's roof. Hard.
I wondered, if David Hasselhoff is over six feet, how the hell was he able to get in flawlessly every time? Or did some of those entrances require multiple takes?
I cleared my head, and KITT's dashboard unfolded before me, just like on TV. The screens were on but were blank and snowy, waiting for Universal's optical effects team to fill them. But everything else was lit up and blinking as it should. Seeing my eyes dart toward the Turbo Boost button, the car's handler good-naturedly warned me not to press anything, because "we don't know what will happen". As the photographer positioned himself outside the driver's side door, I smiled my widest smile.
That Polaroid has unfortunately been lost to the sands of time. But the total experience will remain on my onboard camera for all time.
Jonah Still Lookin' Cool
Sunday, June 20, 2010
An overview of the career of comic leading man Chevy Chase -
The best explanation I've yet seen concerning the peaks-and-valleys career of Chevy Chase.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Looking forward to TCM's first original documentary miniseries Moguls and Movie Stars in November!
Here's the press release!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Miley Cyrus Can't Be Tamed – or Forced to Like Things - Miley Cyrus :
So you don't like Glee, Miley? Fine. But is it wise to be accepting their royalty payments then?
As for mocking the musical form, it was bringing people joy long before you or your parents were even born. And it still is, for those not fortunate enough to have had idyllic chilhoods living off Achy Breaky Heart and Hannah Montana royalties. Okay, maybe that's harsh. But pissing off the base isn't wise when you're tryin'...oops...trying to sell records. Just ask Daddy about his "I'm the most disrespected artist since Elvis" tantrum. One musical a month and you'll be hooked.
And if your hit music isn't your style of music, what is? Opera? I'm curious.
You may think I hate you. I don't. I wish you all the best. Just don't let your mouth run off in interviews like skanky Lindsay does. You have a certain amount of talent. Even more than Daddy. And I don't want to see it wasted on A Cyrus Family Christmas on the casino circuit.
And PLEASE don't get engaged or married at 17. That's a career killer right there.
Take care. My blog is always open.
Shania Twain Is Officially Divorced – and 'Radiantly Happy' - Divorced, Shania Twain :
Good for her! Maybe she'll feel less like a managed product now.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Lindsay Lohan Faced Another Arrest Warrant - Crime & Courts, Lindsay Lohan :
It's about time that this girl retires from acting until she realizes the gift she has been given with her acting, and lears to use it properly. Work with seniors in your community and get some perspective, Lindsay!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Fien Prints 2010 Television Critics Association Awards ballot -
What? No Castle? Repeat after me: Emmys Now!!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Clint: The Last Man's Man
But I have a feeling that Clint is the only one with enough confidence in his stellar track record not to give a crap what some young studio accountant's notes are while he's making his films. I hope he lives to be a hundred, because there's really no one to pass the torch to. Zac Efron? Chace Crawford? Not the first guys I'd cast as Dirty Harry, if the accountants were ever stupid enough to suggest one. (Best stupid suggestion ever: Kevin Costner and Demi Moore in an 80's Casablanca remake!)
But I'll put my money where my mouth is and suggest a New Hollywood Dream Team:
Colin Hanks
Lost's Josh Holloway (who has been generating Marvel buzz)
Bradley Cooper
Castle's Nathan Fillion (Marvel buzz as well)
Jay Baruchel
And as coaches or Elder Statesmen:
Kevin Costner
George Clooney
Jeff Bridges
Clint Eastwood (only if he has time)
Mel Gibson (if he gets it together)
What do you think?
More Clint Short Takes
Where Eagles Dare (1968) - As they used to say back in the day, a crackling yarn. Clint more than holds his own with Richard Burton, no mean feat.
Kelly's Heroes (1969) - A lighthearted WWII movie, weird as that sounds. But what else can you say about a movie that features Donald Sutherland as a 1940's hippie and Don Rickles as a fast-talking hustler? Clint wasn't happy with the way that MGM cut the movie. But man, what a trip!
Dirty Harry (1971) - Just plain cool. Do you feel lucky, indeed!
Magnum Force (1973) - More of the same.
YouTube - Child Stars On Your Television (Some Bad Language)
From David Spade's best movie Dickie Roberts, this always brings a smile to my face. It's a great way to remember both Corey Haim and Gary Coleman, both gone way too soon. As for the "bad language", Maureen McCormick has earned it, dammit! If I had to go through life constantly hearing the following:
"Hey, Marcia!"
"Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!"
"How's your nose?"
"Wanna play football?
"What's it like kissing Greg?"
for something I starred in over 40 years ago, I might swear a little too!
Hope Davis Has Real Steel
This looks cool. Will it have a fleshier story than Avatar? I hope so. And about planning release dates so far in advance, I often wonder whether they adopted a similar strategy in classic Hollywood. I'll do some research and get back to you.
Thanks for sticking with me and dropping by!
But this makes my night. I hope MGM can right itself in time to make these two (or more) films, and maybe two more Bonds. After that, they should concentrate on managing and licensing their wonderful library of films.
Adam Beach Joins Cowboys And Aliens
I wish these guys all the best, but we already had a pretty fine Western/sci-fi hybrid with Firefly and Serenity.
Monday, May 31, 2010
This Just In - Let Us Pray...
Happy 80th Clint Eastwood!
A Fistful of Dollars (1964) : First of Eastwood's collaborations with Sergio Leone, the man who made Italian movies fun for everyone. Together they riff on the Robin Hood theme through Eastwood's Man With No Name, who helps Mexican villagers esacpe the clutches of the evil Ramon Rojo (Gian Maria Volonte). Not a scene or shot is wasted in the film's 100 minutes, which likely inspired Eastwood's similarly lean directorial style later on.
For A Few Dollars More (1965) : Crosses of the double and triple variety abound as Leone sets the western/action/buddy movie on its ear. No Name reluctantly joins forces with Col. Douglas Mortimer (Lee Van Cleef) to hunt down El Indio (Volonte). Still an example of lean cinema, even at 132 ninutes.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (1966) : No Name saves, befriends, and tries to outdo the dastardly Tuco (Eli Wallach) against Leone's meticulously-researched and deeply-felt Civil War backdrop. And the Colonel's back in the mix. A true big-canvas classic. If the other two films are filet mignon, then Ugly's a succulent steak!
More to come
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
THE MYSTERY OF THE LEAPING FISH--A pro-drug romp from 1916, starring Douglas Fairbanks!
Think life in 1916 was like Little House On the Prairie? Check this out, with thanks to The Hollywood Interview!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Party Down - Steve Guttenbergs Birthday: Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do! -
Ever wonder what happened to Steve? Read on and have fun!!!
Al Pacino Frank Sinatra | Robert De Niro Dean Martin | Pacino De Niro Sinatra
Sounds good to me. Anyone but babyface DiCaprio!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Planet of The Apes redux?
Enjoy your day!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Next Ten TV Actors Who Should Become Movie Stars - VideoHound Blogs - VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever
Finally! Cyberspace agrees with my number one choice! It's about time!!!
Happy Sunday!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Karaoke : The Spice Of Life
Some things to remember when it's Karaoke Night down at your bar or community center:
1. The skill level may vary, but the desire's the same, and we are all in this together. If you laugh at one person, they may laugh at you. And that won't feel good.
2. No matter how hard you try, unless you are a professional, you will likely never sound like the recording. So relax and just enjoy it!
3. If the old-timer who digs Sinatra has just done That's Life, don't do it right after him (or her).
So have fun out there!
Friday, April 30, 2010
O Blogger, how you vex me sometimes...
But I digress.
I sang I Want It That Way at karaoke tonight, and got to thinking. Karaoke knows no age limitations, ethnic boundaries, or skill level, and yet it is good for the soul.
More on this tomorrow.
See you later!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
About the Alanis post...
I am pretty sure that I won't earn a spot on Alanis's Christmas card list by posting that video, but I must confess that Too Hot is damn catchy, and represents one of my best and busiest summers in 1991. It sickens me that she was attacked and robbed in the midst of her Canadian discopop success, but the upshot is that she was able to rediscover herself as a person. And a refreshed and edgy musical direction allowed Alanis to channel the pain into the mega-selling Jagged Little Pill, staying true to herself all the way. For this, I salute her .
Have a great night!
TCM Classic Film Festival | IMDb: All the Latest
This was one cool idea. I hope to make a trip down to Hollywood by the time the third edition rolls around.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Spock beams in to Vulcan -- Alberta - Yahoo! Canada News
Leonard Nimoy is such a class act. It's nice to see that he has made peace with the Spock character, just as his castmate William Shatner has with Kirk.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
3 Reasons Why Tron Legacy's Gonna Be Cool!
1) The original 1982 film was a mindblowing forerunner of what was possible with computer animation a full 14 years before Toy Story.
2) Disney didn't sequel it to death throughout the 80s to compete with Star Wars and Star Trek.
3) And while there will obviously be updated effects, Legacy director Joseph Kosinsky hasn't thrown out Tron's unique lighting style out with the bathwater. For this I salute him. All you youngsters complaining that the new Tron looks too much like old Tron, take note: You wouldn't have the new Tron without the old Tron!
Thanks for stopping by!
SuperFriends: The Movie?
Budget considerations aside, it would be cool to see the origin story on how they all got together (and let's not forget, the Transformers franchise has squeezed out two movies (and a planned third) about a cube wreaking havoc on the Earth. And we know the Super Friends story runs deeper than that.
So here's hoping...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Good Movie News Continued
And hey, let's give Michael Phillips and A.O. Scott our full support until the last At The Movies show airs August 14!
Yours in intelligent movie criticism,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Sad Movie News and Glad Movie News
But there is hope, yea there is hope, my friends...more to come in a few hours. Thanks for reading!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
George and Matt: Two True Stars
Which is why I admire stars like George Clooney and Matt Damon. Clooney did his full five years on ER as Dr. Doug Ross without complaint, because he knew who opened the door even as his star was rising. I love a guy who's willing to risk the wrath of mad genius David O. Russell by showing up late on the Arizona set of Three Kings because work on ER ran long in LA. I also love the fact that he seems able to will his extremely early work on Facts Of Life out of existence, and that he is willing to charge any paparazzo who dares to take unauthorized pictures of him and his guests at his Italian villa; the tweeny party animals just whine for tougher laws.
As to Clooney's film work, I must confess that I didn't get or appreciate the smartass persona on display from One Fine Day through O Brother, Where Art Thou?. But obviously that arc of his career was a foot in the door, allowing him to move on to much stretchier fare such as Syriana, his directorial debut in Good Night and Good Luck, and his Oscar-nominated acting turn in Up In the Air. Was his pissed-off look on the show real, or a bit? The official answer's a bit cooked up by Steve Martin, but methinks that George really dosen't give a damn about the Hollywood hoopla, and that's a beautiful thing, as is his singlehandedly-organized telethon for Haiti.
Matt Damon established cred early on by co-writing the Oscar-winning script for Good Will Hunting and turning a memorable, moving performance in the title role. He followed up with equally strong work in The Talented Mr. Ripley, Saving Private Ryan, and the Bourne trilogy. And he weathered both a "Gosh, he's so darn NICE!" spread in Entertainment Weekly early on and a rebuke from Variety editor Peter Bart a few years ago when Matt decided to concentrate on work and family rather than hoopla. Which would you rather have, Mr. Bart: Six fluffy People articles, or The Informant!? I'll take the latter, thank you very much.
True, Matt stumbled a bit with Green Zone. But he will survive. Clooney survived both a misguided Batman entry and Leatherheads!
Congrats guys, and keep up the outstanding work!
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hollywood Yay or Nay
* Hollywood YAY! to director Sam Raimi, who had the courage to stand up to The Big Hollywood Machine and say that he couldn't deliver a quality Spider Man 4 in time for next summer, causing Columbia to pull the plug and initiate a franchise reboot focussing on Peter Parker's teenage years. I guess memories of Spider Man 3 haunt Raimi as much as they do me, with its multiple muddled plotlines. In fact, I am so proud of Sam that it pains me to have to cite him for a
* Hollywood NAY! for his plans to remake The Shadow. Personally I loved the 1994 film directed by Russell Mulcahy and starring Alec Baldwin, Ian McKellen, and Penelope Ann Miller. I thought Baldwin made the perfect Lamont Cranston, and found the film a perfect mix of "mind-clouding" mysticism and 30's-era action-adventure, but unfortunately it came out on July 1, five days before a little film called Forrest Gump. Consequently, it only made $48 million worldwide and was thus considered a failure, but it's an absolute gem. I see Raimi trying to peek behind the mysticism, "explaining" Cranston's sometimes strange behavior by saying that his daddy ran a bar and his mommy put dishwater in his baby bottle. And if Sam's version is even a fair hit, its studio will be screaming franchise and he'll be back in sequel hell. Do yourself a favor and stick with your indie roots, Mr. Raimi.
* Hollywood YAY! to the news that Terry Gilliam's Don Quixote film is finally going before the cameras again a decade after it was shut down due to wind, weather, an aling Jean Rochefort as Quixote, and unsigned contracts. All the heartbreaking details are in the documentary Lost in La Mancha. Robert Duvall's playing Quixote this time out, and Johnny Depp's trying to squeeze back into his modern Everyman role in between stints in The Tourist and Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides. And he has Rango and The Rum Diary in post-production! Whew! But I have a feeling he'll find a way.
Next time: In praise of George and Matt
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
George Lucas: Because He Can!
Lucas also deserves credit for developing a very basic, elemental story to go with all the Star Wars technology. Here it is:
1) Jedi master Obi-Wan had a student.
2) His name was Anakin Skywalker, and he was the best
3) Anakin gave in to the Dark Side.
4) He became Darth Vader.
Simplicity itself, folks, along with subsequent revelations in the first trilogy that Vader was father to one Luke Skywalker, and that they had a chance to patch it up before Papa shuffled off this mortal coil.
There was, therefore, no need to learn "The Rest of The Story", except that sometime around 1997, Lucas updated his computers and thought we all might enjoy a galactic version of C-SPAN in 1999 with The Phantom Menace
Really, what was there to truly enjoy?
A lifeless podrace that looked like a video game trailer?
Anakin, played by that little twerp from Jingle All The Way, managing to blow up the enemy planet even though he was shooting like a drunken sailor?
Jar Jar Binks?
The death of Liam Neeson's Qui-Gon Jinn, which robbing the other newer films of any gravitas whatsoever?
Jar Jar Binks?
Just because you can create an interactive CGI character does not mean that you should create one unless he is integral to the plot, which he most certainly is not. But George created him simply because he can. But hey, we can end on a positive note: Jar Jar is a direct descendant of Avatar.
And if the 3D rerelease of the first trilogy goes as planned, I will be there with bells on!
Next time: Hollywood Yay and Nay
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wanna be a Movie Buff? Some Helpful Tips...
1. If you sign up for a night class on the films on Alfred Hitchcock and haven't seen Psycho prior to the first class, DO NOT admit this to anyone. Two things will happen:
a) Everyone will look at you as if you've just arrived from Mars.
b) The first class will likely include a screening of Time film critic Richard Schickel's excellent 1973 documentary on Hitchcock, which includes the Janet Leigh murder scene in its entirety, as well as detailed analysis of that scene. There is only one way to feel its pulse-pounding power for the first time, and that is with the rest of the film. I know this because it happened to me in 1997.
2. When discussing spy movies, there is more to life than Bond, Flint, and Matt Helm. Really, there is. Honest.
3. When saying something pseudo-erudite like "The Purple Rose of Cairo is the thinking man's Last Action Hero" or "Wow, Barry Lyndon looks like it was shot by God!", be prepared to back it up. Your film afficionado friends will respect you in the morning. Or don't say it at all. It's your call.
4. Watch Ingmar Bergman movies in the morning and Ingrid Bergman movies in the evening, not the other way around. You'll thank me later. What to do at supper time? Reflect on the fact that Morgan Freeman is the very definition of cool.
Next time: George Lucas: Because He Can!
See you later!